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The Interactive Critical Systems (ICS) team at IRIT carries out research centered in the field of Human-Computer Interaction with a specific on the engineering of interactive systems. The mains scientific contributions deal with notations, processes and tools for the design, implementation and evaluation of interactive systems thus having a strong bias towards software engineering or more specifically the validation and verification aspects of interactive systems and technologies. ICS team focusses on the integration of multiple and sometimes conflicting properties such as usability, user experience, dependability and safety.

Human-Computer Interaction is by nature a multidisciplinary domain involving disciplines such as computer science, software engineering, psychology, ergonomics, … However, ICS team does not includes lecturers from these domains but rather collaborate with researchers in those disciplines through projects (e.g. 3 projects CORAC (FENICS, IKKY-MAGIC and IKKY-MATRHICS with Airbus Commercial Aircrafts) and international (e.g. secondment of Philippe Palanque at TU/E Eindhoven in 2019) but also with shared supervision  shared PhD supervision in different domains:

More details about projects (both running and finished) can be found on ICS web site.

ICS team is renowned for its research in HCI at regional, national and international levels:

The research contributions have been applied in various domains (but mainly to aeronautics and space) such as: